Posts from August 2020
September 2020 Newsletter
September Worship Schedule 9:00 AM – OUTDOOR WORSHIP 10:30 AM – VIRUTAL WORSHIP on Facebook Live If there is questionable or bad weather, a decision will be made about the Outdoor Worship service by 8:00am that Sunday. Any cancellation will be advertised via email & on Facebook. If the Outdoor Worship is cancelled, it will automatically become an Online…
September Update
Will continue through at least Oct 4th: SEPTEMBER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Our church council decided to keep the same worship schedule through the month of September that we have been doing: 9:00am OUTDOOR WORSHIP 10:30am VIRTUAL WORSHIP on Facebook Live If there is questionable or bad weather, a decision will be made about the Outdoor Worship service by 8:00am that Sunday. Any…
Aug 30th Announcements
SEPTEMBER WORSHIP SCHEDULE This past week our church council decided to keep the same worship schedule through the month of September that we have been doing: 9:00am OUTDOOR WORSHIP 10:30am VIRTUAL WORSHIP on Facebook Live If there is questionable or bad weather, a decision will be made about the Outdoor Worship service by 8:00am that Sunday. Any cancellation will be…
Aug 23rd Announcements
Outdoor Worship begins at 9:00am.
Virtual Worship begins at 10:30am.
Aug 16th Announcements
ST. PAUL’S BREAKFAST Our next date to serve St. Paul’s Breakfast is Saturday, August 22. Because people are still hungry during this time, we will still be serving this meal to our community. There will be no preparation on Friday night and everything will take place on that Saturday morning at St. Paul’s. We will need about 8 people who are willing to…
Mid-August Update
Outdoor worship will resume Sunday August 16th