Posts from July 2021
August 1 Announcements
Funeral Committee Now FormingWe are putting together a funeral committee to help coordinatefuneral meals in the future. A well-organized (& well-stocked)funeral meal can provide a huge comfort for grieving families.Mary Garrelts has offered to help in the formation of this team.This team will coordinate and divvy up responsibilities for themeals (calling people,…
July 18 Announcements
Our theme for the rest of the summer is “Fruit of the Spirit.” Each week we will betalking about and exploring a different fruit of the Spirit that Paul lists in Galatians5:22-23. In addition to Sunday mornings, we are also offering:-A Wednesday late afternoon Bible Study for anyone who is interested.We will start at 4:00pm and wrap up by 5:30, just in time for the…
July 11 Annoucements
Beginning in July, our theme for the rest of the summer is “Fruit of the Spirit.”Each week we will be talking about and exploring a different fruit of the Spirit thatPaul lists in Galatians 5:22-23. In addition to Sunday mornings, we will also beoffering: A Wednesday late afternoon Bible Study for anyone who is interested. We will start at 4:00pm and wrap up by 5:30, just…
July 4 Announcements
FUNERAL FOR BETH SHAWThe funeral for Beth Shaw will be held on Wed. July 7th at 11am atChrist Lutheran Church. The visitation will begin at 9:30am. There willbe no graveside service at this time, but the funeral will be followed by ameal in the fellowship hall. One of Beth’s many jobs around church was coordinating funeral mealsfor everyone else. We need to make sure that…