Posts by CLCwichita
July 11 Annoucements
Beginning in July, our theme for the rest of the summer is “Fruit of the Spirit.”Each week we will be talking about and exploring a different fruit of the Spirit thatPaul lists in Galatians 5:22-23. In addition to Sunday mornings, we will also beoffering: A Wednesday late afternoon Bible Study for anyone who is interested. We will start at 4:00pm and wrap up by 5:30, just…
July 4 Announcements
FUNERAL FOR BETH SHAWThe funeral for Beth Shaw will be held on Wed. July 7th at 11am atChrist Lutheran Church. The visitation will begin at 9:30am. There willbe no graveside service at this time, but the funeral will be followed by ameal in the fellowship hall. One of Beth’s many jobs around church was coordinating funeral mealsfor everyone else. We need to make sure that…
July 2021 Newsletter
One Service July 4th
We will be having only 1 worship service on Sunday, July 4th and it will be an Outdoor Service! The service will start at 9:30am. You’ll want to bring your own lawn chair or blanket to sit on.
Jun 27th Announcements
JULY 4th WORSHIP We will be having only 1 worship service on Sunday, July 4th and it will be an Outdoor Service! The service will start at 9:30am. You’ll want to bring your own lawn chair or blanket to sit on. WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS Beginning Sunday, July 11, we will be incorporating our full slate of worship volunteers into the mix. Yay! We will be…
Jun 20th Announcements
Summer Schedule: 9:00am Early & Virtual Service (at the same time);
10:30am Late Service
June 13th Announcements
Per CDC guidelines, beginning June 1 we removed the mask mandate & social distancing requirements for anyone who is vaccinated. We will still have masks available and you may choose to still wear them if you’d like. We will be keeping the big glass doors to the sanctuary open throughout the summer so that anyone who wants to social distance & spread out…
Jun 6th Announcements
9:00am Early & Virtual,
10:30am Late Service
Current Service Changes
Worship Schedule Through Labor Day Weekend 9:00am Indoor & Virtual on Facebook (Praise Band) 10:30am Indoor (Hymns) Currently we are encouraging (but not requiring) people to wear masks for worship, per CDC guidelines. We have masks available. We are also keeping the big glass doors to the sanctuary open so that anyone who wants to social distance & spread out…