Monthly Newsletter
July 2021 Newsletter
June 2021 Newsletter
May 2021 Newsletter
More info on service changes in the newsletter and here on the website Worship Schedule for May 2, 9, 16 8:30am Indoor (Praise Band) 10:00am Virtual 11:00am Indoor (Hymns) Worship Schedule Starting May 23 & 30 9:00am Indoor & Virtual on Facebook Live (Praise Band) 11:00am Indoor (Hymns)
April 2021 Newsletter
Rest of April (11, 18 & 25), our worship schedule will have two indoor services and a dedicated virtual option.
March 2021 Newsletter
WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR MARCH Our Church Council has decided to remain virtual-only for worship for most of the month of March. They will revisit the issue at their next Council meeting on March 15, and will be making a decision about Holy Week & Easter services at that point in time. Please watch your emails and the announcements for specifics as it gets closer.
February 2021 Newsletter
January 2021 Newsletter
January News and Events. Council has decided to continue with virtual-only worship on Facebook Live at 10:00am Sunday mornings.
December Newsletter
ADVENT WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sundays 10:00 am – VIRTUAL Facebook Live Wednesdays 7:00 pm – VIRTUAL Facebook Live CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP will be virtual. The time is still to be determined. ADVENT MEALS: Since we cannot eat together in-person for Advent, you are encouraged to share a virtual meal with your fellow brothers & sisters at Christ Lutheran. Here’s a…
November 2020 Newsletter & COVID Update
SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULENovember 8 – Nov 29 Time Type Risk Assessment 9:00am Indoor (max 45 people) Communion, No Singing High 10:00am Virtual Online Facebook Live (Pastor Chad) None 11:00am Indoor (max 45 people) Communion, No Singing High SOME NOTES, PROCEDURES & PRECAUTIONS All in-person services will require masks & social distancing. If you are not…
Oct 2020 Newsletter
View all the latest updates in our PDF newsletter