Young people of Christ Lutheran Church serving within the congregation and the community
We use an intergenerational approach for Youth Ministry. We believe that faith is best passed on to our young people by fully engaging in the life of the entire congregation and by supporting each family. Our youth can regularly be seen helping in worship, serving the homeless, sharing their gifts and talents with the congregation, being cared for by faithful adult Christians, and mentoring younger children in the faith.
Youth Group
Youth group is for grades 6-12 and meets most Wednesday evenings. Group begins with a family dinner together and after clean-up, will move into a planned activity. Activities are different every session but will usually include a game, devotion time with God, and hanging out with friends.
This is a Lutheran tradition of offering our middle school youth a special time for faith education and formation. We dive into topics like Baptism, Communion, the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostle’s Creed. Topics focus on Bible Basics and learning about our Lutheran faith & traditions. Confirmation gets our youth to go a little deeper, ask questions, and wrestle with what they personally believe. Confirmation is a three year program for grades 6-8 that culminates in each student writing their own faith statement and confirming their faith at the end of their 8th grade year. Classes are designed for middle school students, although parents are welcome to sit in, and have a bit more academic feel. These nights will typically start with a dinner.
Other Activities
We have occasional lock-ins, retreats and get-togethers. We are partners with Camp Tomah Shinga, a Lutheran church camp, and our youth are encouraged to attend camp every year (paid for by the congregation). Every three years, our high school students attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering, and we will often take summer mission trips during the in-between years. Our youth are encouraged to fully participate in all of our congregation events, and they often take the lead in our regular service projects like St. Paul’s Breakfast and Sandwich Saturday.