One Service July 4th
We will be having only 1 worship service on Sunday, July 4th and it will be an Outdoor Service! The service will start at 9:30am. You’ll want to bring your own lawn chair or blanket to sit on.
Holy Week 2021
Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday have opportunities to worship in person. Please review all notes and precautions listed here before attending.
Holy Week @ Home
Messy Church: Holy Week Edition (external link)
Lent 2020 at CLC
VBS 2019
One Service June 23rd
Pastor Chad’s Ordination Anniversary June 23rd is the 15th anniversary of Pastor Chad’s ordination in the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. We’d like to celebrate! On that Sunday, we will be having a combined worship service at 10:00am, followed by a potluck lunch. There will be a Hawaiian theme for lunch and decorations, so feel free to bust out your best floral Hawaiian…
Time for Vacation Bible School
Holy Week Activities
Weather Notice: Worship Wed. Feb 21
We will be having our Wednesday evening meal & worship this evening as scheduled with whoever wants to show up. Jesus said, “Wherever two or more are gathered, there I am with them.” So as long as one other person shows up, I’ll be here & so will Jesus. : The worship should wrap up by 7:35ish, so if you do come, hopefully you’ll have…
#WORDOF Sunday Advent Theme
On Christmas Day, we celebrate that the Word of God became flesh and dwelled among us as Jesus of Nazareth. That is certainly the most spectacular way that God has spoken, but God’s Word takes on many different shapes and sizes throughout scripture. On Sunday mornings during Advent, we will continue with our series on the prophets and we will be hearing about some of the…
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