- Outdoor Worship begins at 9:00am.
- Virtual Worship begins at 10:30am.
We are encouraging people at home to have some bread & wine or grape juice on hand during worship. While you are worshipping with everyone together online, enjoy this simple meal of bread & wine or grape juice as a reminder of our community in Christ, a sign of Christ’s presence with you whenever we are gathered, and in remembrance of what Jesus did for us on the cross.
This Wednesday at 7:00pm is our final week studying the book, “Dear Church” by Lenny Duncan. We will be discussing the final chapter and then talking about the next most faithful steps we can take in response to what we’ve read. Even if you’ve missed most (or all) of the study, you are invited to join us in this Zoom conversation. If you’d like a copy of the book, there are a few still available in the dropbox near the front door of the church building.
It has been a long time since we were able to worship inside the sanctuary and sit in our normal places in the pews. Think back to that time…
Who did you usually sit next to, in front of, or behind?
Who did you enjoy sharing a cup of coffee with?
Who do you miss from church?
This week, take some time and reach out to those people, even if it is just one or two folks. Check on them. See how they are doing. Ask them how life has changed or is changing, what they are nervous or hopeful about. Ask them what you can be praying about for them specifically.
Everyone is a little tired of this pandemic. Everyone is feeling a little overwhelmed and disconnected. It can help to pick up the phone and simply call someone you haven’t talked to in months…even just to say hi. Let’s remind each other that we are church together.