August 1 Announcements

August 1 Announcements

Funeral Committee Now Forming
We are putting together a funeral committee to help coordinate
funeral meals in the future. A well-organized (& well-stocked)
funeral meal can provide a huge comfort for grieving families.
Mary Garrelts has offered to help in the formation of this team.
This team will coordinate and divvy up responsibilities for the
meals (calling people, decorating, setting up, serving, cleaning up,
etc.). They will be having an initial meeting between worship
services on Sunday, August 8th, but are also currently identifying
people who would like to serve on this committee. If you would
like to be part of this planning & coordinating team, please contact
Mary Garrelts (, call or text 316-640-7009).

Our theme for the rest of the summer is “Fruit of the Spirit.”
Each week we will be talking about and exploring a different
fruit of the Spirit that Paul lists in Galatians 5:22-23. In addition
to Sunday mornings, we are also offering:
– A Wednesday late afternoon Bible Study for anyone
who is interested. We will start at 4:00pm and wrap up
by 5:30. These weekly Bible studies will run
July 7—August 11.
– A couple guest speakers will deliver the message during
this series.
– There is also an app for this series. Feel free to check out
and download the “Fruit of the Spirit Diary” app to help
track your spiritual growth throughout the summer. There
are also several other apps dedicated to the fruit of the
Spirit and they might be fun little games to download as

Blessing of the Backpacks
Sunday, August 8 at both services
All students, teachers, and education staff please bring
your backpacks with you to worship, and they will be blessed
for a great school year!

Prayer and Spiritual Renewal
Friday Evening, Sep 24 and Saturday Evening, Sep 25 at Camp Tomah Shinga

After a year of hiatus,
the Quilting group is going
to begin meeting again
on Tuesday,
August 10th at 9:00am.
You are encouraged to
bring your own lunch.
This group of quilters is
open to anyone who
wants to join them.
Sewing or quilting skill is
not necessarily required.
They meet once a month
and you can come and go
as your schedule allows.
The morning is filled with
conversation, laughter,
encouragement, and by
doing the important work
of creating quilts for
Lutheran World Relief.

Small Groups
There has been some
interest in forming a
new small group singles’
ministry, especially for
those over 40.
We are currently trying
to recruit single folks
from other Lutheran
congregations as well.
We haven’t solidified
anything yet, but it would be
a group dedicated to social
activities and providing
community primarily for
those who are single.
They would like try to meet
at least monthly, if not every
other week as it develops.
If you or someone you know
might be interested in this
kind of group, please
contact Pastor Chad

The CLC Cookbooks are Here!
Kelsey Helmick has collected all of your
recipes and has created a beautiful cookbook
for Christ Lutheran Church. Thank you for
all of your contributions! The cookbook has
been dedicated in memory of Beth Shaw.
In addition, all of the proceeds from the sale
of the cookbook are going to support the
medical expenses of a little boy named Nolan
(see Kelsey’s Letter from the Editor).
The CLC Cookbooks are now on sale
for $10 each, and you may purchase
them from Kelsey between services
in the fellowship hall.
Get ‘em while they’re hot!

We are sad to announce that Darla Steinert has
resigned as Christ Lutheran’s Choir Director
. She has
held that position and blessed our congregation with
her gifts and talents since 2005. Her husband, Terry,
has started a new job in North Carolina and they are
soon relocating to the Charlotte area. Please keep their
family in your prayers during this transition. Details on
a farewell celebration will be forthcoming.

At the time of the death of a loved one, families
are often overwhelmed, not only with grief, but
with all the various decisions and information to
track down and people to contact. Borrowing
from some other churches, we have developed a
new pre-funeral resource to help families during this important and
difficult time. It is designed for you to fill out and complete before you
get sick or are maybe even thinking about dying or your own funeral.
You can fill it out by yourself or with a family member or loved one. It
addresses things like:
-Who should be contacted at your death, including phone #s &
contact info
-Details you’d like at your funeral (songs, readings, participants,
-Pre-arrangements with any funeral home & cemetery
-Historical & family information for the obituary
-Various other financial & legal matters that will need to be
By taking some time to fill this out now, you could be saving your loved
ones some heartache and grief after you die. We will keep these Funeral
Planning Guides on the Opportunity Table and you can pick one up
whenever you’d like. Once complete, we can make copies here at
church – some for your home, some to distribute to loved ones, and we
can keep one on file here at church as well. Even if you don’t fill one
out, you are encouraged to pick one up, look it over, and discuss some
of the matters with those who matter most to you.