The funeral for Beth Shaw will be held on Wed. July 7th at 11am at
Christ Lutheran Church. The visitation will begin at 9:30am. There will
be no graveside service at this time, but the funeral will be followed by a
meal in the fellowship hall.
One of Beth’s many jobs around church was coordinating funeral meals
for everyone else. We need to make sure that the meal for her goes well.
One of the small group Bible study groups she was a part of has agreed
to coordinate the meal, but we need help from congregation members
with sides & desserts. We are expecting a big crowd.
There are sign-up sheets available on the table during worship if you
would like to bring something. If you don’t sign up, you can still bring
something the morning of the funeral and just put it in the kitchen, but it
does help us to have notice of who is bringing items so that we can
supplement if necessary. If you don’t get signed up during worship, you
can let Deborah Bischoff know what you might be bringing
( or 316-371-9171). Thank you.
Beginning in July, our theme for the rest of the summer is “Fruit of the
Spirit.” Each week we will be talking about and exploring a different fruit
of the Spirit that Paul lists in Galatians 5:22-23. In addition to Sunday
mornings, we will also be offering:
-A Wednesday late afternoon Bible Study for anyone who is interested. We will start at 4:00pm and wrap up by 5:30, just in time for the
cook-out. These weekly Bible studies will run July 7—August 11
– A couple guest speakers will deliver the message during this series.
-There is also an app for this series. Feel free to check out and download
the “Fruit of the Spirit Diary” app to help track your spiritual growth
throughout the summer. There are also several other apps dedicated to
the fruit of the Spirit and they might be fun little games to download
as well.
After a year of hiatus, the Quilting group is going to begin
meeting again on Tuesday, July 6th at 9:00am. You are
encouraged to bring your own lunch. This group of quilters is
open to anyone who wants to join them. Sewing or quilting skill
is not necessarily required. They meet once a month and you
can come and go as your schedule allows. The morning is fille
with conversation, laughter, encouragement, and by doing the
important work of creating quilts for Lutheran World Relief.
On Sunday, July 18th, we will be having a Hymn Fest in honor
& memory of Norma Langner. Norma was one of the very
first people to ever join Christ Lutheran and she died in April.
Because of COVID, we couldn’t have the full celebration of
her life that we wanted to have. Norma loved singing the old hymns. To
celebrate her life, we will be having a potluck meal & a hymn fest right after
worship on July 18th. Immediately after worship that day, we will move to the fellowship hall to eat together. Then we will go back into the sanctuary and spend some time singing
people’s favorite hymns by request. On that Sunday, be sure to be a side or dessert to share!
Beginning Sunday, July 11, we will be incorporating our full slate
of worship volunteers into the mix. Yay! We will be publishing
July’s schedule of volunteers in the newsletter and upcoming
bulletins. We only scheduled people who signed up for jobs. If you
cannot be there on a Sunday you are scheduled, please do your
best to find a substitute and notify the office.
If you would like to sign-up to serve in any of these volunteerroles, we’d love to have you! Please just fill out a pink volunteer
sheet (located at the ushers’ stand) and drop it in
the offering plate