Nov 1st Announcements

Nov 1st Announcements


TimeTypeRisk Assessment
8:30amIndoor (max 45 people)Communion, No SingingHigh
9:30amVirtual OnlineFacebook Live (Pastor Chad)None
10:30amIndoor (max 45 people)Communion, No SingingHigh
11:30amOutdoorCommunion & SingingModerate

 It is All Saints Day so we have a special time for Remembering the Saints and those who have died within the past year.

This Sunday our worship times remain the same (8:30, 9:30, 10:30 & 11:30), but it will be the final Outdoor Service of the year.  The worship schedule will change on November 8th, as indicated in the newsletter.

Finally, remember to turn your clocks back this weekend!  It is Daylight Savings Time and we get an extra hour of sleep!  

See October COVID Update for important notes and rules with these services.