Jun 20th Announcements

Jun 20th Announcements

Summer Schedule:

  • 9:00am Early & Virtual Service (at the same time)
  • 10:30am Late Service

Per CDC guidelines, beginning June 1 we removed the mask mandate & social distancing requirements for anyone who is vaccinated. We will still have masks available and you may choose to still wear them if you’d like. We will be keeping the big glass doors to the sanctuary open throughout the summer so that anyone who wants to social distance & spread out will be able to. We will also continue to livestream the 9:00am service for anyone who wants to worship virtually.

July 4th Worship Schedule

We will be having only 1 worship service on Sunday, July 4th and it will be an Outdoor Service! The service will start at 9:30am. You’ll want to bring your own lawn chair or blanket to sit on.


Beginning Sunday, July 11, we will be incorporating our full slate of worship volunteers into the mix. Yay! We will be publishing July’s schedule of volunteers in the newsletter and upcoming bulletins. We only scheduled people who signed up for jobs. If you cannot be there on a Sunday you are scheduled, please do your best to find a substitute and notify the office.

If you would like to sign-up to serve in any of these volunteer roles, we’d love to have you! Please just fill out a pink volunteer sheet (located at the ushers’ stand) and drop it in
the offering plate.