Mar 28th Announcements

Mar 28th Announcements

Worship Schedule

8:30am Indoor
10:00am Virtual
(backup: Indoor)


  • All in-person services will require masks & social distancing. If you are not feeling well or have been recently exposed to COVID, please stay home & attend the Virtual Service.
  • Indoor Worship will be limited by seating capacity. We will fill the sanctuary front to back, using every other pew. We will have seating in lobby & fellowship hall, but if we reach capacity, we will need to turn people away. We will dismiss back to front.
  • All services will follow a similar liturgy, streamlined to limit our exposure & time together in-person.
  • At the Indoor services, there will be limited singing and only with masks on after Communion. If you are uncomfortable with singing, you may leave after Communion.
  • The building will be cleaned between Indoor services.
  • Other than the sanctuary, bathrooms & narthex, the rest of the building will be off-limits.
  • There will be no coffee/education hour or goodies.
  • Pastor will stay behind the altar & pulpit other than to distribute Communion. In order to facilitate communication, he will not wear a mask when leading the liturgy or preaching, but will wear a mask to distribute Communion.
  • Communion will use pre-packaged elements & will be brought to you in your seats.
  • Worshipping together in-person, and especially indoors, carries the risk of transmitting COVID. Please only attend the service where you feel comfortable taking that level of risk.