“This is when I really need the church.”
Most folks I’ve talked to seem to be doing ok so far during this time of social distancing and stay-at-home orders. But not everybody. Some people are losing their jobs. Some people are having to make decisions about who keeps their jobs and who gets furloughed. Some people are facing potential exposure to COVID-19 on a daily basis because of their job as a healthcare worker, grocery store employee, first responder, etc. Some are struggling to take care of children while needing to work from home. For some, this exacerbates mental illness like depression and anxiety and feelings of isolation.
“This is when I really need the church.”
I heard these words recently from someone going through one of the situations listed above. This is a hard time to be separated and unable to gather in-person as the Body of Christ. Despite these hardships, I think our council is making some good decisions and exhibiting excellent leadership during this unprecedented time. Here are some decisions that we’ve made recently and how we will continue to be church together for the time being:
- All in-person worship services have been suspended through the month of April. We will no longer gather in-person for Lent, regular Sunday worship, Holy Week services, or for Easter. At our next council meeting we will make decisions regarding the month of May.
- We will be gathering for virtual worship via Facebook Live at the following times:
- Every Sunday at 9:00 & 11:00am, including Easter Sunday at these times
- Wednesdays, March 25 & April 1, at 7:00pm
- Maundy Thursday, April 9, at 7:00pm
- Good Friday, April 10, at 7:00pm
- These Facebook Live worship experiences will be happening on Pastor Chad’s personal Facebook page. Immediately after they finish, I will be posting them to the church Facebook page, and they will eventually be posted to our website. But if you would like to participate live, you will need to look me up.
- Our main modes of communication with the congregation during this time will be through email and Facebook posts. This is especially important for ministry updates like for St. Paul’s Breakfast and Family Promise. Morgan & I will continue to work, although we will not be keeping regular office hours at the building so that we can honor the stay-at-home order as much as possible. We will check email & the answering machine regularly, but as always, you can call my cell phone in an emergency: 636-699- 8747.
- The best way to send in your tithes & offerings right now is through the mail.
- Prayer Pause at 1:00pm every day – The Central States Synod is offering a Prayer Pause every day on Facebook. You are invited to check this out and pray together with other Lutherans throughout Kansas & Missouri. Even if you’re not on Facebook, set an alarm or reminder and pray with us at this time. This daily prayer practice can serve as a steady rhythm and anchor during this time of great uncertainty and change. I know I need this!
- Call each other. My challenge to Christ Lutheran is for each of you to call at least one other church person each week simply to check on them and see how they are doing through all of this.