Sermon Archive (Page 34) Jesus Before Pilate March 11, 2018 Chad Langdon Lent John Denying Jesus March 4, 2018 Chad Langdon Grace Lent John Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet February 25, 2018 Chad Langdon Lent John Lazarus February 18, 2018 Chad Langdon Lent John Ash Wednesday February 14, 2018 Chad Langdon Lent John John 10:1-18 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind February 11, 2018 Chad Langdon John John 9:1-41 Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman February 4, 2018 Chad Langdon John John 4:1-42 Jesus Teaches Nicodemus January 28, 2018 Chad Langdon John Jesus Clears the Temple Courts January 21, 2018 Chad Langdon John Jesus Changes Water Into Wine January 11, 2018 Chad Langdon John