Past Events (Page 2)

Past Events (Page 2)

Weekly Community Cookout

Every Wednesday in the month of June, we are hosting a community cookout for anyone who wants to come.

Sandwich Saturday Distribution

We will also need help delivering the lunches on Saturday morning, May 22. We will simply drop them off at St. John’s Episcopal, but we do need one or two people willing to help transport the food. We will not be distributing them directly to the people because their staff will do that.

St. Paul’s Breakfast Serving

We will be serving breakfast burritos for this meal. We need a larger crew of people willing to finish and serve the meal on Saturday morning about 7:00am at St. Paul’s Lutheran (925 N Waco). Please contact Donn Bischoff or Rich Harder if you are willing and able to help.

Sandwich Saturday Preparation

Our next date to provide sack lunches is Saturday, May 22. We will need help on Friday, May 21 at about 5:00pm to make the PB&J sandwiches and put together the rest of the lunches. We will practice social distancing and do everything as safely as possible.

Women’s Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study will meet next on June 11 from 1-2:30pm at church. We will start the summer series entitled “Just LIFE” with “ Just wisdom” by Angela T. Khabeb in the Gather magazine For questions contact Rosie Harder.

Youth Group

Youth Group for grades 6-12 will resume on April 14 from 6:30—8:00 pm. We will try to have outdoor youth groups, but if the weather is bad, we will move indoors. More information at our page on all Youth activities

Quilt Day

QUILTING IS BACK! After a year of hiatus, the Quilting group will begin meeting again on Monday, May 3 starting around 9:00am. You are encouraged to bring your own lunch. This group of quilters is open to anyone who wants to join them. Sewing or quilting skill is not necessarily required. They meet once/ month and you can come and go as your schedule allows. The morning…