This year for Lent our theme will be “Listen: Stories & Prayers from Jesus.” As we continue in these unusual pandemic circumstances, I look forward to walking through Lent with all of you this year as we learn new ways to “listen.”
Wednesday Night Worship at 7pm—Each Wednesday, beginning February 17, we will gather online for a short worship service centered on one of the prayers that Jesus prayed. We will be using Anglican Prayer Beads during these services.
Daily Videos about the Lord’s Prayer— SCROLLBELOW
Lent-in-a-Bag—Lent-in-a-Bag has things to help you set up an at-home altar/prayer space, a prayer journal/coloring book, a daily devotional, ashes to use on Ash Wednesday, and a kit for making your own Anglican Prayer Beads. Come by church to pick yours up and one for a friend.
Sunday morning worship—Each Sunday we will be hearing about one of Jesus’ most beloved parables as we continue through the Gospel of Luke.
Lord’s Prayer Video Series
Jesus’ most famous prayer was the Lord’s Prayer. Each weekday on Facebook we are releasing a short 2—4 minute video about the Lord’s Prayer. Each week we will address a different petition of Jesus’ model prayer through prayer stations, games, songs and other activities. These videos will come from pastors around our synod, and you can think of it like a daily VBS or Sunday school for all ages.
Week Six: For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.