I invite you into a churchwide discussion about what we’ve heard this summer concerning women & justice. We will be meeting on Sunday, September 9 at 12:15 in the Fellowship Hall (or immediately after the late service wraps up) to process everything. We’ll order pizza for whoever is there and we’ll have a discussion regarding the theology, the reasoning, and the implications of this proposed social statement. We’ll try to capture as much feedback as we can and then submit that to our national church head- quarters in Chicago. In preparation, I encourage everyone to read the social statement in its entirety, paying special attention to the Basic Statement and Glossary sections. This intentional process of participation and deliberation on difficult issues is exactly what our church intends for us do.
Throughout the centuries, the Church has tried to discern God’s will and God’s hope for society. It has always taken prayer, Scripture study, science, reasoning, and public engagement seriously. Often the Church has gotten it right. Sometimes history has shown otherwise. I look forward to discussing with all of you the pressing issues related to women & justice. May God bless our ongoing conversation.
-Pastor Chad