Our First Communion classes are open for any children whose parents feel like they are ready to receive this sacrament. Desiring to take Communion, asking questions about it, or just sticking out their hands out to receive the bread are all good indicators that a child may be ready to go through these classes. This decision is up to the parents and the children to make together. It is also important to know that taking the classes does not mean that you have to take Communion when it is all over with. There will be a time during the final class for the children and the parents to make that decision together and “We’re just not ready,” is a perfectly acceptable answer.
If children are already receiving Communion, but have never taken the classes or received any instruction about it, this is also a good opportunity for them to learn more about his sacred church tradition. These children are welcome and encouraged to attend the classes. The First Communion classes are designed to reach children at a variety of ages, so no child is too old or too young to participate. The classes are also highly interactive and there needs to be at least one parent/ grandparent present with your child at every class. There will also be homework for your family after every class. All classes build on each other, so attendance at all is important.