Daily Devotions – At the Opportunity Table, we have some new daily devotions for you to use during Advent. The devotional is called, “Journey to the Light” and it provides a short scripture and message for you to use during your daily quiet time throughout this season.
Advent Worship Services – Each Wednesday we will offer 2 worship services connected to a meal. Our midday service will start at 11:15am and be followed by a lunch. Our evenings will begin with dinner at 6:15pm and be followed by worship at 7:00pm. We will be using Holden Evening Prayer at all services and each worship service will last 35-40 minutes.
December 4 – Baked Potato Bar Night (Bonnie provides baked potatoes)
December 11 – Soup and Chili Night
December 18 – Potluck Dinner
Youth Choir – The Youth Choir will be meeting for 15-20 minutes after each evening worship service.
Christmas Pageant – Our Christmas Pageant this year will happen during Sunday morning worship on December 22nd. It will take place at both worship services, and is a “no rehearsal” Christmas pageant. Be here on the 22nd to find out what it is all about…and be ready to join in the storytelling!